Tag: solaractivity

  • CME or EMP?

    CME or EMP?

    Let’s explore the differences and similarities between a coronal mass ejection (CME) and a manufactured electromagnetic pulse (EMP): Coronal Mass Ejection (CME): Origin: A CME is a natural phenomenon that originates from the sun. It occurs when the sun’s magnetic field lines become twisted and release a massive burst of solar wind plasma and magnetic…

  • The Great Halloween Solar Storms of 2003

    The Great Halloween Solar Storms of 2003

    The Great Halloween Solar Storms of 2003 were a remarkable celestial event that spooked both Earth and its technological systems. Here’s what happened: Sunspot Emergence: In late October 2003, three massive and intensely active sunspot groups emerged on the sun’s surface. The largest of these sunspots measured over 13 times the size of Earth. Accompanying…

  • The Carrington Event

    The Carrington Event

    Carrington EventCarrington Event Explore The Carrington Event was a remarkable solar storm that occurred in September 1859. Let’s delve into the details: Geomagnetic Storm: The Carrington Event is considered the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history. It occurred from September 1 to 2, 1859, during solar cycle 10. The storm resulted from a coronal…

  • HAARP – Bard

    HAARP – Bard

    Explain and expound upon the HAARP program. The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is a scientific research program that studies the ionosphere. The ionosphere is the electrically charged part of Earth’s atmosphere that lies above the stratosphere and below the thermosphere. It is important for radio communications, navigation, and space weather. HAARP uses…